Saturday 14 September 2013

Penantian satu penyeksaan...


dah lama tggu Evelyn Rose update novel bersiri Abang Pilot...and finally....
today dapat baca part 8!! hahahaha  sukaaaa...
cant wait for the next part.

i'm sure ramai peminat evelyn rose pun rase benda yg same kann?

baca novel was not one of my fave thing actually. but,now i tend to like it.everytime evelyn rose kuarkan novel terbaru,it will be my pursue.
abis satu bandar mencari novel The Wedding Breaker...LOL..but it was fun.

the latest novel is 13 Jam A380 by Evelyn Rose.

arini sunday...and i'm working! sume gang this floor cuti...cuz esok ari Malaysia.
but its ok cuz arini xde kes!! so,bole lepak2 n standby kot2 ader kes baru.cuti x bermaksud jenayah x terpaksala masuk keja.

pagi2 buta lagi dah menapak kat opis...7.00 am! hmmm...
my husband yg drive n sent me to work nowadays.then he send aaron to my MIL n trus g keje.

ok,thats all for now..gotta go grab some breakfast!

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