Wednesday 9 October 2013

long gone..

assalamualaikum....hi,hello October...

sorry lame menghilang. i was sick and was buzy after got back to work..soo tiring..kena food poisining.

 hmmm...awal2 bulan biase la kena siapkan statistik.which i hate the most..perkara yg paling mengjengkelkan ( ntah betul ke tidak istilah ni)but thank goodness i manage to siapkan the statistic sebelum 4 hb...yeayyy!!.....due date is before 10 every month.

anyway..i have a new partner!! a chinese interpreter.^-^

her name is Mei Ling. 

its a good thing for me cuz i love to have new friends around.LOL..
she's still single but not available,she gonna get married next year!

hmmm...whatelse?? so many things i wanna share but i couldnt remember...hahahaha....teruk kan my memory..

tapi,ape yg paling aku rindu,nak balik kampung....
i'm coming home this raye haji! macamla dah lame x balik...
x sabar dah rasenye nak balik..

misi terbaru?
my latest mission is to get rid of my acne..been battle with the same skin problem since ...forever..?
i wanna give it a try using household method, lemon.
so,wish me luck cuz i'm so tired n bored with the same problem.

kay,thats all for today!
tq for reading!


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