Saturday 7 September 2013

AKU ORANG KAMPUNG...kampung Girl..


just got back from my hometown.
sekarang ni musim buah-buahan kt kg. ader durian,rambutan,duku,dokong,langsat,rambutan n manggis...huiiiii..mmg seronok balik kg time ni!

bole dikatakan tiap2 minggu balik...hahahahaha....

oleh disebabkan adik beradik aku yg lain x dpt blik,so hanye aku yg conquer sume! LOL..
beruntung aku dpt keja kat k.trg ni..dekat skit nak blik kg aku kt kelantan.

my family tinggal kat FELDA kemahang 2,Tanah Merah, ma n ayah je.
kakak aku tinggal kat perak. adik plak kt penang.

ma n ayah mmg suka berkebun n menanam. tak kirala pokok buah-buahan ke pokok bunga.n some vege plant.
aku pun suke tgk ma tanam pokok or doing some gardening sejak dari kecil lagi.

i love playing with mud and dirt...i can still remember the smell of the soil..hmmm...

the best thing  livin' in here is the silence....peace..the nature...dan masih kampung eventho kg ku ni tanah rancangan.

dulu-dulu,aku suka duk tepi tingkap n lihat hujan turun...its so refreshing..juz by looking at the raindrops that fall onto leaves n the trees..

i'm so thankful that i was born n raised in this place.

mase aku kecik,ma selalu tanam pokok bunga kat depan umah..macam-macam jenis pokok bunga..cantik. 

but,as time goes by..and so does the flowers....

now,i feel like i wanna have all of that back. i miss it.

next trip going back to my hometown,i wanna go to the nursery n pick up some flower seeds and do some gardening with my ma. ayah is not in a very good health rite now,so i dont wanna bug him.

nak beli anak pokok bunga banyak-banyak n tanam kat front yard..skng ni xde pokok bunga sgt kat depan tu. yang ader pokok buah mata kucing yang selalu berbuah(x bermusim) n some pokok bunga kertas....mmg dull sgt..

i cant wait!!!

tq for reading.

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